Conflict of interest? You be the judge.
All documents related to what OCEE is and Carmen's ownership are available below.
In the three years following Carmen joining the Oregon Dept. of Education, her company has profited through this Equity Academy they run with COSA (Coalition of Oregon School Administrators)
Carmen's official job classification at the ODE is "Principal Executive/Manager H" and has been since she joined in 2018. Here is what she made there in 2018 through 2020:
See for yourself here:
We don't share this to take away from Carmen's life experience, but to perhaps provide a window into how she thinks today. Of interest is what she says starting at the 7:17 mark. It includes things like:
"I'm not an individual. I am part of a collective community."
"I am responsible for the health of my community."
These feelings appear well meaning, but they are also core principles critical theory/CRT. Those theories state there is no individual or universal truth, only group identities.
Pat McCreery of Beaverton School District tells his Superintendent of Carmen Urbina's connection to OCEE
Equity & Inclusion leaders from school districts across Oregon meet & share information regularly. Notice Carmen Urbina is using her OCEE email address, not ODE.
It's also interesting to see Rogelio Martinez is also here. He's the Asst. Principal in the Forest Grove SD and also works for Carmen at OCEE.
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